Role of zero with Decimals

Study the statement below. Study the position of zero and say if the statement is correct or false.

(REMEMBER : If a decimal number ends with zero then that zero does not have any meaning)

0.1 = 0.10 (True or false?)

0.2 = 0.200 (True or false?)

0.31 = 0.301 (True or false?)

0.2 = 0.02 (True or false?)

0.03 = 0.003 (True or false?)

2 = 02 (True or false?)

2 = 20 (True or false?)

Click ehre for answers

0.1 = 0.10   TRUE (the right most 0 in 0.10 has no meaning)

0.2 = 0.200  TRUE

0.31 = 0.301  FALSE ( The 0 in the middle has meaning. zero does not have any meaning in decimals only if the number is ending with zeros)

0.2 = 0.02 FALSE

0.03 = 0.003 FALSE

2 = 02 TRUE ( For whole number, zero in the left of a number has no meaning)

2 = 20 False ( Obviously !!)

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