Fraction and decimal are very important in middle school. We'll master them in this course.
In this course, we'll learn ratio, rate, and percent taking a lot of examples from everyday life.
In this course, we'll master negative numbers and operations with negative numbers. Very important course before we start algebra.
In this course, we'll master the PEMDAS rules. We will also learn and practice how to find an unknown number.
Variables are fundamental blocks for Algebra. We will master them in this course.
Let's learn, practice and have fun finding the value of the unknown variable in an equation.
Let's find the value of the unknown variable when we have those inequal signs.
In this course, we'll learn and master how to solve multiple equations simultaneously.
One of the most important topics in middle school and high school. We'll master it in this course.
In this course, we'll start with perimeter and area of shapes and move all the way up to Pythagorean theorem.
We'll learn how to represent data with different graphs. We'll learn to calculate mean, median and mode. We'll also learn basic probability.
In this course, we'll review and master all the concepts that will help us in middle school.